At-Home Ab Workout that will Make You Sweat!

by | Jun 17, 2020 | All Posts, Fitness

Over the last few months, I’ve been investing a lot of my time in at-home workouts. I used to think that at-home workouts with no equipment aren’t as effective. BUT they are! So, this week I’ve got a great workout lined up for you this week. It’s an at home ab workout that will make you sweat. No equipment required! 

If you want some other resources for good at home ab workouts check out the content at the end of this blog post.

Like all other workouts on my website, this workout has been created by a certified personal trainer Shilpy Tandon.


What you need

  1. A Mat
  2. A water bottle
  3. Yourself


100 Jumping Jacks
100 Mountain Climbers (each leg)
100 Skips (with or without a skipping rope)

Main Workout


20 Sit-Ups

1 minute Plank Hold

20 Toe Reaches (get on your back lift your legs up and try to reach your toes, this exercise is similar to crunches so activates your abs)

45 second Side Plank Hold (R)

30 Russian Twist

45 second Side Plank (L)

20 Double Leg Raises


70 Burpees


30 second Superman Pose Hold
30 seconds Child Pose

This workout should take you approximately 30 mins to do.

If you’re looking for other good ways to get an at home ab workout, I have a great option for you.

About 2-3 months ago I downloaded a FREE 30 ab challenge app and didn’t really expect to see any results, but it worked. The challenge takes approximately 10 minutes of your day and you will see results.

I’ve linked the app I used below, be sure to check it out.

30-Day Ab Challange 

The same app developer also has other 30 day challenges. Each challenge has different levels so when you complete one level you can move on to the next! I personally love using this app because it’s FREE and helps me get results.

I do believe at home ab workouts are super effective, and I’m a convert!

Sound off in the comments to let me know what you think of the workout!

Here’s to the start of your self care journey!



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Hello Everyone I’m Disha

I am so excited that you’re here! I hope you are able to get value from my content. Here’s to starting your self care journey!

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