Hello World! Welcome to My Self Care Shelf

by | May 4, 2020 | All Posts

Well, we’re doing this! Welcome to My Self Care Shelf!!!

I’m Disha the founder of this blog.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve thought a lot about how I can help people, especially during this pandemic. I’ve found myself talking about self-care (more than I usually do which is A LOT).

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been spending this time REALLY working on MYSELF. Taking care of ME! So, I decided to start writing about all my self-care knowledge covering skincare, meditation, fitness & mindful living.

I want this blog to be a place where YOU can find EVERYTHING you need to take care of yourself. I want to inspire you to start your own self-care journey and become the best version of yourself!

Here’s a breakdown of what I would be covering each category on My Self Care Shelf:


Anyone who knows me knows I’m OBSESSED with skincare. I love researching products, trying out different facials, researching skincare ingredients and really just educating myself about the best of skincare!

In this category I’m going to be giving you skincare tips, educating you on skincare labels, telling you the details about the benefits of different products/facials, and giving you some awesome recommendations.

Here’s the link for my first blog post on an Easy 5 Step Skin Care Routine for Clearer Skin!


I started meditating about 4 years ago when I was introduced to an AMAZING healing modality- Theta Healing.

I can confirm IT CHANGED MY LIFE. 

I meditate every single day, and honestly, it keeps me motivated to keep working on myself. It helps me gain clarity and really helps me sift out all negative thoughts.

In the meditation category, I’m going to be giving you tips and tricks to get into the habit of meditating, exploring different modalities, telling you about Theta Healing, and giving you access to resources that can help you make meditation a part of your daily routine.

If you are someone who has never meditated before, it’s not too late – START NOW!




My journey with fitness started 8 years ago when I saw my elder working out in our gym and I remember thinking – Damn I want to do that too!

So I did. I started working out and now I work out 5 times a week and LOVE IT.

It’s a part of my lifestyle and it’s a time of the day I look forward to most.

In this category I’m going to be giving you some easy at-home workouts that are effective, introducing you to apps that can help you get in shape etc.


As someone who is OBSESSED with self-care, I am a firm believer in mindful living.

Mindful living is a combination of a lot of different habits. I’ve been practising mindfulness in my daily life through meditation, but it’s a lot more than that.

Honestly, mindful living is a way of life, and its a beautiful way of living life!

You learn so much about yourself when you are mindful of your actions thoughts and surroundings.

Being mindful is consciously working on yourself.

In this category, I am going to be giving you guys tips on how to be more mindful to live a more positive and fulfilled life.

5. FOOD (Coming soon!)

I’m a vegan/vegetarian and I love to cook.

I started cooking more when I got my own apartment at UCLA and I had no choice but to cook if I wanted to survive.

I’ve realized cooking for yourself is such an amazing habit. I enjoy being able to plan my meals and trying out new recipes that I know work well for my body.

In this category, I will be giving you my easy vegan/vegetarian recipes, information about nutrition and more.


I’m really really excited about starting this blog and I’m so glad I have your support! Start your self-care journey today by signing up for my FREE 30 DAY SELF CARE CHALLENGE below!

I look forward to keeping you all updated on all things self-care so you can build your own self care shelf 😉

Here’s to the start of your self care journey!




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Hello Everyone I’m Disha

I am so excited that you’re here! I hope you are able to get value from my content. Here’s to starting your self care journey!

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